Today was Homecoming Spirit Day.
Overslept, got to school like 15 minutes late, get detention.
Study Hall and Physics normal.
In AP Biology, half the class leaves to prepare floats or something. So our teacher says, let's review with pictionary. Was ok. All of my pictures got points. Like, my word was evolution, so I drew a circle, a llama thing, and an arrow from the circle to the llama. Bam. Evolution.
Then, we saw the floats.
They all sucked this year. Only cool part was where some cat named Eli Gadd hit the brakes and held the whole thing up then went 40 mph down the road.
Then, powderpuff football game. Was under bleachers with friends and rest of school.
Pep rally was ok.
Then DnD. Mike will probably elaborate, but we basically were looking for a sheep rapist and found a couple elves with a dying horse. Got sent to eliminate a drow recon group, so we filled all the tunnels with caltrops. I started working on a homebrew spellcasting base class with arcane and divine influences.
Then, home and tiredness.
Stay thirsty, my friends. For knowledge.
I have indeed.